Monday's 20 mile training run
So, yesterday I ran the longest run in my training program: the dreaded 20 miler. I very much loathe the 20 mile run day for two reasons:
#1. It's 20 miles!!! Do you really understand HOW FAR that is and how long it takes to complete?!? We are talking HOURS here people!
#2. The past two times I've done my 20 miler, I've tripped. February 2010: ate it on mile 19 and I have a permanent battle scar on my right hand. September 2010: ate it at mile 10 and scraped my ipod and garmin watch.
This is a difficult run not only physically, but mentally as well. It's SOOOOOO hard for me to motivate myself when I know I'm signing up to be in constant pain for hours on end. I woke up and planned on going out around 1 or 2 pm (I know, I'm a lazy runner). I didn't get out there to start my run until 3:20pm. Going out so late meant I had a race against the clock to get home before it got dark, so I knew I had to push myself...
Things started out well, I always enjoy running east here because there is a slight downhill which helps me run faster. ;) Around mile 7 I passed Invesco Field. Shortly thereafter I passed the Denver Mint, then the capitol building. I had to make a TON of stops because I'd forgotten about all the stop lights in the downtown area. You definitely don't want to run in front of cars against the light. So that sort of sucked. Run. Stop. Run. Stop. Had a Gu gel around mile 8. I got into Cheesman Park and was still feeling good. I left the park around mile 10 and headed down towards Wash Park. A tall man ran past me and that hurt my ego a little. I'm also guessing though that he hadn't just ran 11 miles, so I let it go. This becomes the part where I like to think of myself as being over half way done and on my way home. :)
Around mile 13, I had another Gu gel and kept on my way... Miles 14 - 18 were the most difficult because there was a steady uphill so it essentially sucks the energy right out of me. At mile 17.5, I stopped to stretch my legs and had a meltdown. At this point, I wanted to give up and quit. I started running again and was wailing with tears running down my face. UGH, horrible feeling. I kept pushing through while crying, and convinced myself to stop when I came close to two ladies walking. I didn't want them to think I was a freak. After I passed them, I started to chant out loud over and over again, "Yes I can. Yes I can." It gave me a confidence boost and helped me keep going. A little after mile 18, another meltdown occurred and I was wailing again. I kept telling myself I was almost done! Just a little bit more, 20 minutes at the most and I would be home free! I calmed myself down again and around mile 19 I was wailing AGAIN. This time it was because I was overcome with joy that I was about to finish my run without falling! I was so happy I didn't make a fool of myself in front of tons of people driving on the road!
My run was completed right outside of whole foods so I could buy some epsom salts and chocolate milk. :) My finish time was 3:01:52, which comes out to a 9:05 pace per mile. This is right on track for my under 4 hour marathon finish goal! This was my best time for my 20 miler of the 3 times I've done it, so I'm hoping this is a good omen!
My garmin map can be seen here:
I'm so proud of myself for finally conquering my 20 mile demon!
Now that the dreaded 20 miler has been completed, I only have 65 miles to run until the starting line at Salt Lake City in 16 days and 22 hours! YaY!!!
Oh crap, I signed up for the EARLY marathon start at 6:15 AM! DOH!
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