The Running Resudek

Here you will find all my running ramblings. I started running races in May of 2009 and I haven't stopped since!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BolderBoulder 10k 2011 Memorial Day Race Recap

Yesterday, I ran my favorite race EVER, the BolderBoulder 10k which takes place in none other than Boulder, CO! This is the second largest 10k in the country with close to 55,000 people participating in it every year, and I feel it is also the most well organized race I've ever participated in. They have 90 wave starts based on your finish time, and many of the waves require a qualifying time. This was my second year running this race, and I was in group CA for the second year in a row...

So lets rewind to yesterday morning...

Sunday night I was in bed by midnight and I set my alarm to go off at 5am, which meant I was going to get about 5 hours of sleep. I assumed this would be fine. However, I didn't sleep all that well... Waking up almost every hour on the dot, looking at the clock, then trying to get back to sleep. Not a fun way to spend the night before a race.

This time, I was nervous about running this race without proper training. I wasn't sure what I was capable of and I was so worried about beating last year's time of 48:47. I went on FIVE training runs for this race, the longest of which was 4 miles. I should have spent 6 weeks getting ready but I was just so burnt out after the Salt Lake City Marathon that it was hard to get back on my "running horse."

The alarm went off at 5am, I got up, ate a banana, then headed out around 5:40am. I was SOOOO nervous the entire drive up to Boulder (which was absolutely stupid, I can run a 10k in my sleep!). I was just unsure of whether my body could carry me to the finish without being 100% ready. This was my FIRST race I've ever run where I wasn't prepared and I think it definitely showed.

Here's a photo I took on my drive up to Boulder. It was rainy and cloudy but I still think it was really pretty out. :)

When I got to Boulder, I drove to the 29th Street Mall for a parking spot. I got there around 6:30am and I thought I was going to find a spot with no issues. Little did I know everyone else had already got there before me and parked! I drove up and down a few of the aisles, and there was nothing. Then I came across an aisle that had a semi-truck parked in the middle of the it. The end spot was taken, and there was a spot next to it! I contemplated for a minute, and decided that because I drive a MINI, I COULD fit between the semi and Jimmy my way into the spot. IT WORKED! But ONLY because I have a MINI Cooper. If my car was ANY bigger, I would have been screwed. So I'd like to thank God for saving that spot for me, it was perfect! :-)

I hit the port-o-potties and went to the starting line. Still nervous, but I was going to push myself as hard as I could so I could beat my old time (because I am the most competitive person on this planet!).

The trumpet and the gun shots started! The first wave was off! I was in the 8th wave so I only had to wait another 7 minutes before it was my turn! I quickly had a Gu gel to try and give me that extra boost that I felt like I needed. Before I knew it, my group was up! They announced we had two men in our group who had run all 32 years, and they also asked who was ready for the race. ONE man raised his hand. ONE. I all of a sudden felt like I was in the same boat as everyone else: NONE of us were ready! YAY! lol I set my garmin for a 7:50 pace per mile and got ready to go. The trumpet and the gun went off and we started the race!

The wave start is great because everyone I was running with was about the same speed as me. This makes it easy to just pace yourself off of those around you. Mile one went by pretty easily, I was making good time with about a 7:30 pace. I thought to myself, 'I can actually do this! I can beat my time!'

As soon as I passed under that Mile 1 marker, I felt myself starting to lose it. Mentally, I told myself I could do it but physically, my body started giving up 8 minutes in. I started to become terrified thinking I wasn't even going to make it to the finish.

Mile 2 went by pretty well, I was still under an 8 minute pace but I was feeling hot. Like the way I used to feel after running the mile in high school. NOT a good feeling.

By the time I got to mile 3, I thought I was going to die. I was feeling slightly light-headed and suuuuper hot. My legs were starting to feel like lead weights and I thought at any point I could pass out. Literally. I was however, entertained by the people who had slip-and-slides in their front yard, and the people trying to give out free beer to the runners.

Mile 4 were pretty uneventful besides the big hill, but I just kept pushing myself. I knew I was not going to be able to beat my time, and I accepted the defeat. I learned that I REALLY need to train to improve my time and almost laughed at myself for thinking I could get a PR without preparing for it!

Mile 5 came along and I was SOOOO happy to have a little over 1 mile left before I was done! I also really like running on Pearl St. through all the little shops. :)

Shortly after passing the mile 6 marker, you have to start heading UP HILL to get to the finish line. I hate this about the race, as you are tired towards the end, why don't you run up a hill? After getting to the top of the hill, you turn in and start running around the outside of the UC Boulder football stadium. Then before you know it, you are inside running around the inside track and crossing the finish line!

My official time was 51:15, which is an 8:15 pace. this is a personal worst for me at the 10k distance, but how could I have expected anything more? I understand that most people think this is an amazing time, but for me it is so unacceptable because I know I am capable of doing so much better. I know now that if I go into a race and I'm not ready, I cannot set high expectations for myself or I will be sorely disappointed.

I'd also like to report that I slept 12 hours last night after the race, and woke up with sore achy shoulders, back, and legs. It feels like I was run over by a truck. I should NOT be feeling like this after finishing a 10k, it's soooo embarrassing! This kind of pain is reserved for half and full marathons only from this point forward! ;-)

Because the official race pictures haven't been posted yet, I'll leave you with a picture I had taken at the finish line festival (see what I mean about "red face?" I get tomato red when I get hot!). Their photo booth is fun and I had to do it again this year. :) I can't wait to run the BolderBoulder again next year, except next year I'll have a BIG smile on my face the whole time because you can bet your @$$ I'll be ready!